Six Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is being more efficient at work. Wellness is more energy. Wellness is feeling happier with yourself and others. Wellness is having more vitality later in life.
The Six Dimensions of Wellness were developed by Dr. Bill Hettler, Co-founder and President of the Board of Directors of the National Wellness Institute™.

Technogym has connected many of our products and services to these various dimensions.
The concept of Wellness is woven into everything we do. We are committed to developing the tools that operators and users need to improve health, wellness and the quality of life that promotes successful aging.
Six Dimensions of Wellness
Acquiring knowledge and skills. An intellectually well person uses available resources to expand knowledge, improve skills, and increase the potential for sharing with others.

Appreciating life and having values. Spiritual wellness involves developing a strong sense of personal values and ethics.

Caring for one's health. If you take good care of your body, it will repay you with years of good service.

Finding fulfillment through work. Your attitudes about your work can greatly affect your job performance and interactions with coworkers.

Having positive relationships. Social wellness is based on your ability to interact harmoniously with people and the Earth.

Managing and expressing feelings. Achieving emotional wellness allows you to experience life’s ups and downs with enthusiasm and grace and maintain satisfying relationships with others.

Happy Wellness to everyone.
The Technogym Oman Team.


Written by Technogym OM

Technogym Oman is the solely official distributor of Technogym products in Oman.