Eating and working out

Eating something an hour before working out will help you during physical activity. But eating and hydrating yourself during and after working out is also important. Here is some useful advice.

What should you eat before working out?
Eating something an hour before working out will help you during the actual workout.
Ideally, you should choose fresh fruit, an energy gel or a sport drink.
About three to four hours before working out, on the contrary, you can eat something more substantial, like a plate of pasta with tomato sauce or lean meat with salad.
What should you avoid at all cost? Fatty or fried foods and alcohol.
What should you eat after working out?
In the 30-45 minutes after working out, especially if you have performed aerobic type or prolonged exercises, try to take in carbohydrates by eating them in solid form (fruit or specific bars) or drinking them in liquid form (fruit juice): this will help you to build back the reserves of glycogen you have consumed during your workout. 
Protein bars can also be useful, but remember that your intake of protein must be at a ratio 1 to 4 against carbohydrates; it has in fact been proved that an excess of protein immediately after working out has a negative impact both on rehydration and restoring reserves of glycogen.
Hydration during workouts
Drink at least three glasses of water during the 2-3 hours previous to working out and one glass of water every 10-15 minutes after the end of your workout for one hour.
Sport drinks are useful if your workout lasts over 60 minutes and the intensity is high.
During very long workouts, drinking a sport drink during the workout may help to increase the length of the workout.
Wellness regards,
The Technogym Oman team


Become an Athlete with Kinesis One

Getting stronger, not just for sport, but also life is the goal behind kinesis, a workout performed on and around the dual-cable Technogym Kinesis One machine.
This machine enables the user to develop strength in almost any three-dimensional movement and it is attracting interest across the broadest possible range of customers.

Users can perform a mix of high-intensity speed, power, and agility work; with low-intensity movements for strength, flexibility, balance, and core stability. Attached by the waist to the cables, they can skip, jump, and move side to side. They can also do strength work like rows, lunges, squats, and presses, on and off the machine.

Kinesis One appeals to the casual fitness crowd, but ironically, it may be serious athletes who need this kind of functional workout the most.
Kinesis One is certified for medical use and rehabilitation.
Kinesis makes movement free and enjoyable, easy and natural, and without restrictions.
Get in touch with us for more info about Kinesis One.

Wellness Regards,
The Technogym Oman Team


Morning exercise made easy

Who doesn't love to sleep and enjoy a lie in?

It might not be easy, but you really can slowly train your body to get used to morning workouts.  Working out first thing in the morning means no more stressing about how you’ll fit it in when a meeting pops up at lunchtime; it means higher energy levels throughout the day; it also means increased creativity and productivity.
So here's how to make morning exercise a habit you can stick with once and for all to help you sneak fitness into your busy schedule.
Prepare the night before. When the alarm goes off, you don’t want to waste time looking for something to wear, digging your gym shoes out of the closet or finding a pre-workout snack to munch on.  Put your workout clothes out, pack your gym bag and have everything ready to go so that you don’t have an excuse to hit the snooze button. The fewer things on your morning to-do list, the better. 
Go to bed earlier. Adequate sleep is important for good health, so it’s crucial to get to bed at a reasonable hour if you’re going to start getting up earlier.  However, this should be a gradual transition.  You can’t expect to fall asleep at 9 p.m. if you’re used to going to bed at midnight.  Try moving bedtime back 15-20 minutes per night until you've reached your new desired time.
Create a reward system. Becoming a morning exerciser can be challenging, but the more consistent you can be, the easier it is.  Recognising your hard work with rewards is a good way to keep motivation high and help make fitness a lifelong habit.  Take some time to think about the rewards that would mean the most to you.  Even if it’s not something big and indulgent (like a vacation or new workout clothes), finding ''me'' time to do something simple you enjoy can be a great incentive to stick with your new routine.
Find a buddy. Perhaps you have a friend who enjoys early morning walks or runs, or maybe you know someone at your gym who needs a workout partner?  It’s much more difficult to hit the snooze button when you know someone is going to be waiting for you. Hold each other accountable for your morning workouts, and you’ll find it’s easier to be consistent.
Give it time. Don’t expect to easily become a morning exerciser overnight.  It takes time to develop the habit, and no matter how long you’ve been at it, you’ll still have days where it’s really tough to drag yourself out of bed.  Consider starting with a goal of a few days each week, and slowly build up from there as you become more comfortable in your new routine.

When the alarm goes off and you’re giving yourself a pep talk to get out of bed, focus on how you’ll feel after the workout is over.  Then, think about how you’ll feel if you skip it.  Knowing how much better you'll feel after you're done makes the choice a no-brainer! Keep making that choice consistently, and you'll be a morning exercise pro in no time!
Do you have any tips or suggestions on how you prepare for your morning exercise?

Wellness regards,
The Technogym Oman Team