Win with The Wellness Centre

The Wellness Centre, opening soon at The Wave, has launched a Facebook contest where over the next two weeks fans will be able to win 2 x 1-month memberships.

The Wellness Centre is going to revolutionize the fitness industry in Oman by providing members with the best in equipment, facilities, service and staff.
Once up and running in July The Wellness Centre will offer a range of classes from aerobic classes such as BodyPump, BodyCombat, RPM and introduce the latest dance fitness craze - Sh’Bam.
They will also have a fully equipped gym, powered by Technogym Oman, with the latest and greatest equipment including free weights, treadmills and rowing machines and to really tone your lower body, the Jacobs Ladder. And if you’re ready to freeze yourself you’ll have to try out Cryotherapy, an age-old tradition, which uses cooling technology to aid athletic recovery and enhance performance.
If you’d like to have more info and details drop in at their kiosk, located on the first floor at The Walk, The Wave, where you’ll also be able to avail pre-opening special memberships offers. The kiosk is open daily between 6pm and 10pm. alternatively, send a mail by clicking here.
So what are you waiting for, just head over to The Wellness Centre Facebook page and give it a shot!
Wellness regards,
The Technogym Oman Team


Wellness at your workplace

Healthy employees tend to be happier and more productive. From simply offering information to workers to providing healthy lunches, from fitness education to a company gym, wellness programs at workplace have become very important.

Many people at work have some sort of health risk to varying degrees, whether it’s unhealthy eating, lack of exercise or sleep, smoking or even something genetic. Using a corporate wellness program can make positive change happen.
At Technogym Oman we can devise programs and supply equipment to improve employees’ performance, and lower absenteeism and health care costs. Our corporate wellness programs bring several benefits including learning how to reduce stress and muscle strain when employees are on the job, helping lose weight, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, sleeping better, and saving money on prescriptions. 

Additionally another great benefit of wellness programs is a built sense of fellowship amongst your employees. They’ll have a chance to experience activities together that aren’t related to work, whether in a walking club or sports team, by having lunch together, or by going to the gym. Social support is a very important part of wellness.
Employees are the most valuable assets to any company and their welfare has a direct impact on the success of the company. Sometimes, all you need is a little motivation to get the ball rolling and a workplace wellness plan might be it. 
Wellness Regards,
The Technogym Oman Team


Six Dimensions of Wellness

Wellness is being more efficient at work. Wellness is more energy. Wellness is feeling happier with yourself and others. Wellness is having more vitality later in life.
The Six Dimensions of Wellness were developed by Dr. Bill Hettler, Co-founder and President of the Board of Directors of the National Wellness Institute™.

Technogym has connected many of our products and services to these various dimensions.
The concept of Wellness is woven into everything we do. We are committed to developing the tools that operators and users need to improve health, wellness and the quality of life that promotes successful aging.
Six Dimensions of Wellness
Acquiring knowledge and skills. An intellectually well person uses available resources to expand knowledge, improve skills, and increase the potential for sharing with others.

Appreciating life and having values. Spiritual wellness involves developing a strong sense of personal values and ethics.

Caring for one's health. If you take good care of your body, it will repay you with years of good service.

Finding fulfillment through work. Your attitudes about your work can greatly affect your job performance and interactions with coworkers.

Having positive relationships. Social wellness is based on your ability to interact harmoniously with people and the Earth.

Managing and expressing feelings. Achieving emotional wellness allows you to experience life’s ups and downs with enthusiasm and grace and maintain satisfying relationships with others.

Happy Wellness to everyone.
The Technogym Oman Team.